Sunday, December 31

The New Year’s Resolution Solution
By Alex Carrier

To resolve or not to resolve,
That is always the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to just admit defeat,
Or to take arms against inevitable failure…

As far as I am concerned, Hamlet had it easy. All he had to deal with was betrayal, deceit, murder, treachery and, alas, poor Yorick.

Okay, he had it hard but I bet he never got caught in the quagmire of making and breaking New Year’s resolutions. All that pressure to find some resolution you think you would like to, should like to, could begin to keep.

Where to begin? You got the diet, money, relationship, better person, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah and so forth, and so forth litany of possible choices. Possible, maybe even probable, but highly unlikely undoable resolutions.

Then there is the old paradox of avoidance through the declaration “I am not going to make a resolution this year!” Which is, of course, a resolution and you managed to both make it and break it before you even had time to write it down.

This year, I determined to get myself out of this mental and social dilemma. (Yes, when compared to global warming, world hunger, sickness and poverty it is a bit absurd but then we all need some absurdity at least once a year.)

Eureka! I think I’ve got it. While pondering the problem, I thought upon the Seven-percent solution (Sir Arthur’s novel not Sherlock’s addiction). A resolution solution is what is needed.

My dear Watson, it is elementary. I resolve to make one resolution this year.

Having done both and having succeeded, I can now turn my uncanny yet bizarre brain towards a more pedestrian question like say, oh, does my butt look big in this dress?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your idea. However, not making a resolution isn't breaking one if you never thought about it in the first place. Is that possible? ha... Excellent article.

Thu Jan 04, 07:37:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like what you said about resolutions. Who ever keeps them?

Fri Jan 05, 09:39:00 AM EST  

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