Tuesday, December 26

Time’s 2006 Person of the Year – It had to be You
By Alex Carrier

I want to thank Time Magazine for selecting me, my parents for fueling my imagination and curiosity, my family for helping my get it right, my husband for supporting me in so many ways, my friends for sticking by me…

Okay, so none of us wrote an acceptance speech for this one. We didn’t lose it, misplace it, get it wet, shred it or otherwise make it illegible.

We can’t even say it was an honor just to be nominated because – well, gosh darn – we didn’t know we were even in the running. So, we can’t forget to thank someone unless we extend our heartfelt gratitude to – US!

Simply by my writing this blog and you reading it, we prove what Time Magazine gave as their reason for making You (Me, Us) their 2006 Person of the Year. We proved that the everyman/woman is everybody’s man/woman.

Who would have thought we would swarm the World Wide Web like rush hour computer commuters to tell our stories, show our home movies, become our own news reporters, movie-makers, writers, stars, directors and truly awful overnight hits?

Ah, yes –we were the Numa Numa guy and Star Wars/Jedi knight guy. We have outscooped many a meganews corporation and become huge music/movie hits without networks, record publishers or studios. We are the World Wide Web Media.

We have even learned to use the freedom (and mostly free room) of the Internet to make our personal pitch to anyone with a mouse and a modem and proven we can sell just about anything.

Even when we were bad, we found an audience and when we really bad we found fandom. No stone has been left unturned, no niche unfilled, no rule unbroken and no cliché unspoken.

We have been downright awful, rude, crude and socially unacceptable. We have also been inspired, imaginative and magnificent.

Lord only knows where we will go from here. We might take over the world but I doubt it. After all, I am a writer and wish my own piece of the publishing pie but welcome the addition we all can make to our communal content.

So, I hope while you are reading and surfing, you catch the web wave my way while I am out seeing what the rest of You/Me/Us have been up to today. We’ll meet sometimes and miss many more but we do have a universe of places to go and people to almost see.

All I can say is, this year - it was about Time.

If you like this blog read our free web magazines Virginia Greene http://www.vgreene.com/ and Greene Lite www.vgreene.com/greenelite.
© 2006 Virginia Greene


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